The Liberated AF Podcast

Who TF Are *You*?

Jenna Gordon

On this episode of The Liberated AF Podcast, Jenna dives into the foundation of liberation, self discovery and self exploration - or in this world, discovering, *seeing*, embracing, and expressing your Essence and your own unique one-of-a-fucking-kind dragon fairy magic. This episode mentions topics such as identity, self concept, innate self, chosen self, cultivating deep self safety, opening the door to possibility, and actually stepping through (aka becoming courageously more of YOU). It isn’t fucking easy work, to go to your depths, to question who you are and why you have been that way, and it’s also the exact path that will lead you to your Pheonix rising from the MF ashes moment. You are that fucking powerful, the world is waiting for you to see it.

And if you are feeling particularly drawn to this type of deep self discovery work, Jenna has included a GIFT to listeners of The Liberated AF Podcast, $22 OFF of her signature 4-week program, Essence (click program name to purchase), and USE CODE, liberatedaf. This brings the total to $133. This program recently wrapped which means you will IMMEDIATELY get access to all 6 pre-recorded trainings, 6 integration workbooks, 6 guided embodiment practices, and 1 pre-recorded Q&A session.

You can connect further with Jenna on her website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!