The Liberated AF Podcast

Cultivating Deep Self Safety

Jenna Gordon Episode 4

On a quick-hitting, potent episode of The Liberated AF Podcast, Jenna dives into cultivating deep self safety. If you find yourself consistently questioning your moves, overthinking, putting others needs before your own, repeating the same pattern over and over, it’s time to actively deepen into self safety. Self safety is self trust and so much more, it’s the way you feel within yourself - does being you, in all ways, feel safe? Because the truth is - safety is required for change. So if you want to see, feel, experience something different, you get to cultivate the self safety to make it happen. Here’s a few places to start - what are the core needs you have to feel safe in a relationship with another? Do you do that for yourself? Also, take some time to look at the different aspects of you, your mind, body, spirit, emotions… what is your relationship with those areas? Deepening into self safety is actually a massive fucking catalyst to go, be, do whatever the fuck you want to.

You can connect further with Jenna on her website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!