The Liberated AF Podcast

Magnify Your Confidence by Owning More of Who You Are

Jenna Gordon Episode 14

As always, on this week’s episode Jenna starts by catching us up on how her last week has gone and she shares the struggles that came up as she found herself parenting her sick kiddo. She briefly mentions how she’s handling the weight of that experience in her body and releasing all of that physical tension, moving into this new week.

Next, Jenna jumps into the incredibly transformative practice of embracing the repressed parts of ourselves; she explains how owning the parts of ourselves that we have kept small in order to fit in is the key to more success and satisfaction in life.

She leaves us with a practical way to start tapping into these rejected parts of ourselves using the power of physical touch and gives us a few simple examples of what that looks like, to play with.

You can connect further with Jenna on her
website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!