The Liberated AF Podcast

The External Body Mirrors the Internal Body

Jenna Gordon Episode 5

This episode of the Liberated AF podcast is a deep and vulnerable AF share with a whole lot of lesson sprinkled in. Jenna shares a heart-wrenching experience that she has never publicly shared before to illuminate the power of the body - how it carries and holds our experiences even if we don’t focus on them, think about them often, or remember them at all. The body is where we experience and that is where the energetic signature of our experiences is felt. If we don’t actually feel them though, they don’t go anywhere, and they end up impacting everything that we do. Hopefully, this episode allows you to take a deeper look into your relationship with your body - what is it saying? And WHY?

You can connect further with Jenna on her website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!