The Liberated AF Podcast

This is *Your* Life - Are You Living It?

Jenna Gordon Episode 7

This episode dives into the topic of this life - are you living *your* way? To explore this topic, Jenna dives into some of the deep shadow work and inner healing that she has done around living life her way - which has a lot to do with the body. At some point in her journey after years of conditioning, emotional repression, and experiencing grief, she realized that she had enough and refused to settle for the reality she was living. Every step she took from there allowed her to deepen into connection with her body, her dragon fairy magic, and her gifts which ultimately has allowed her to radically transform her life. This is the ONE life you can fully experience and choose RIGHT NOW. She prompts you to ask yourself - are you living your life for you? Are you living it your way? Do the beliefs you hold actually support you creating the life you want to create?

You can connect further with Jenna on her website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!