The Liberated AF Podcast

Increase Your Productivity Without Sacrificing Your Wants/Needs

Jenna Gordon Episode 17

This week Jenna has an episode just for you, if you're the person who knows you want more from life but feels completely overwhelmed when you think about how to make that happen.

She explains how essential it is to create the deepest level of self-safety so that you know that you can handle more productivity without letting your happiness or well-being slip by the wayside. She hammers in how important it is to make an intentional choice to be in your body, checking in as you go, to ensure that you don’t get to the point of burnout.

She wraps up by giving us three tangible ways to begin to create more self-safety, in preparation for your next level of success:

  1. Assess your energy leaks
  2. Look at your time management
  3. Build Energetic Containers

You can connect further with Jenna on her
website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, high-level 1:1 Liberate Mentorship. Check out the platforms listed above to see what she has coming up in her world!