The Liberated AF Podcast

Season 1 Wraps & [Somatic Practice]: Release Your Fear of Success

Jenna Gordon Episode 20

This week on the Liberated AF Podcast, Jenna dives into the final episode of season 1 of the podcast with some updates and a profound somatic practice to release your fear of success.

First, you’ll hear the personal update about the whirlwind that was the past week & the HUGE decisions it led to, the ally practice Jenna led at the girls weekend she went to, and the serpent energy that came to life for her in a cannabis breathwork journey led by her friend, Nicole North (check out her insta here!)

Second, is all about the POD! This update will let you know where season 2 is headed… Jenna is switching shit up and things are going to look different around here! Tune in to find out what!

Third… this is the place you are going to want to find Jenna & an incredible group of spiritual, ambitious AF, self aware women on their own liberation journey during the break between seasons (and any other time), The Liberated Sisters Community! This space is for women who want deep, raw, real AF connection with other women doing the healing work and sharing their gifts to be able to share and honor theirs while also sharing and honoring YOURS. This space is currently a FREE investment which is crazy for the value - intimacy, monthly formal ceremony (think somatics, past life regression, plant medicine, energy healing), monthly informal event (think tea chat, co-working session, etc), and early access + discounts to all of my upcoming spaces!

Finally, dive into the somatic practice Jenna led to release your fear of success. So often we focus so much on the fear of failure that we forget how much our mind, body, and/or spirit feel afraid of  success. This is a direct path to exploring that fear and/or resistance to success that is often accompanied by big fuck off dreaming - and to releasing it from the body - so that you can create the juiciest big fuck off life of your dreams.

You can connect further with Jenna on her website as well as Instagram. She offers various group programs, experiences, and intimate, trauma-informed 1:1 Liberate Mentorship, DM to inquire.